How we successfully used Qualify to Apply to fill our internship position

It took us 8 days to successfully fill our unpaid Growth Marketing internship position using our own talent recruitment solution, Qualify to Apply.

We advertised on LinkedIn for less than a day, using a free job posting slot. And within the job description highlighted that interested applicants had to complete their Qualify to Apply (Q2A) check on inkscroll order to complete their application.


– inkscroll can easily be used alongside LinkedIn job postings

– Adding a custom application question on LinkedIn that requires the applicant to enter their Qualify to Apply icode may result in more applicants completing their check – as most seem to skim read the job description details.

– Comparing applicants side-by-side made the screening process easier as we spent more time screening than doing admin work

– Q2A may benefit from becoming more of a ‘Lite ATS’ with built-in messaging. Readers, is this considered the most important feature?

– Our biggest surprise! We had one applicant – who turned out to be a fraud deserving of its own story! We ‘only’ lost time but the outcome could have been so much worse.


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