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Job searching checklist

We are firm believers that if you put in the effort in upfront when job searching, it will pay dividends downstream. Saving you time, safeguarding your health and ultimately getting what you want and not what you don’t want. 

Have a deep think first

It’s worth spending some thinking time before jumping into action. We promise as it will save you time down stream and also help reduce the number of jobs you shouldn’t have ever applied for!

  1. What are your career goals in the next… 6 months, 1 year, 3 years? Write them down.
  2. Write down a like / dislike list for your current role. Make sure you have 5 items for each.
  3. Write down a like / dislike list for your current company. Make sure you have 3 items for each.
    • How is the working environment?
    • Too much change / not enough change?
  4. Write down the top 3 must-haves for your next role
  5. Write down the top 3 must-not-haves for your next role
  6. Talk it through with someone
  7. Have you considered, changing roles where you are now? Would you be open to that? Is the opportunity available? Sure? If not, then… 
  8. Now get ready to start the job hunt!
  9. How’s the work?
  10. How are your co-workers?
  11. Supportive line manager?

Getting ready on inkscroll

  1. Review your job preferences
  2. Make sure that your new job alert notification is ON, set it to daily
  3. Review your role and statements to make sure they are up-to-date
  4. If you haven’t already, subscribe to inkscroll Premium to redeem your 15 minute coaching credit
  5. Research what’s out there
  6. Track all your applications using our Application Tracker

Other preparation

  1. Get your CV up-to-date; contents and presentation
  2. Get your LinkedIn profile up-to-date 
  3. Tidy up your social media presence
  4. Make sure there aren’t data mismatches !
  5. Consider getting a new qualification
  6. Practice writing covering letters
  7. Consider a hair cut
  8. Get your interview clothes cleaned, ironed and ready! 🙂 
  9. Sign up to job boards (as inkscroll won’t have it all!)

One last thing

Take your time, do not rush, be choosy and stay positive. Finding the next job that is a good fit for you is a marathon not a sprint. You’re interviewing them as a prospective employer as much as they are you. You have value, you just need to find the right fit and work home.