Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation – Behavior (FIRO-B).

The FIRO-B tool examines three fundamental dimensions of interpersonal needs:

  • Inclusion recognition, belonging, participation, contact with others, and how you relate to groups.
  • Control influence, leadership, responsibility, and decision making you relate to groups
  • Affection closeness, warmth, sensitivity, openness, and relating to others

The FIRO-B assessment also indicates preferences in regard to two distinct aspects of each of these needs areas:

Expressed Behaviour

  • How much does an individual prefer to initiate the behavior?
  • How does the individual behave with respect to the three fundamental interpersonal needs?
  • What is the individual’s comfort level engaging in the behaviors associated with the three needs?

Wanted Behaviour

  • How much does an individual prefer others to take the initiative?
  • How much does an individual want to be on the receiving end of those behaviors?
  • What is the individual’s comfort level when others direct their behaviors associated with the three needs to them?