app navigation – overhauled

Based on user feedback which we very much appreciate – thank you all – we have just released an overhaul to our app navigation.

We decided to do this sooner rather than later as our hypothesis is that it will contribute to keeping our new users engaged for longer as they curiously look around.

The outcome is that you can now get around much quicker and easier – your mouse travels much less distances and we’ve reduced the number of clicks needed in order to get to a destination.

Once logged in, you will see that we moved the main menu to the left, grouped items together and expanded some sub menus by default as you’ll be using those more frequently than others. Visibility of these items make it clearer as how to get around the application too.

If you’re a company administrator you can now switch between company and your own details in one click.

And we’ve also started to add in more navigation helpers so you’re less likely to get lost as you navigate around.

Enjoy our overhauled app navigation!