Hands up, who tracks job applications?

Our latest poll results are in.  We asked:

How do you track your job applications?

Our commentary

1/ Nice to see over half our voters stay organised during their job search by writing it down or storing details electronically. We hope to see usage of our free Application Tracker for their future job search and learning what other features would be handy.

2/ For those that currently don’t track, we’re wondering what would, if anything, entice you to start tracking your job applications. Would it be more up-to-date information about the vacancy such as:

  • anonymous, aggregated information on the rest of the applicants and what application stage they were at
  • when the vacancy stopped accepting new applications.
  • who’s involved in the recruitment process from the Employer side
  • being notified when the vacancy is filled

Or something else?  

Editor’s Note: Seems like the above list should be another poll!


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