AI chip on a digital blue concept background


So much has been written about over the summer with AI tools helping write resumes and covering letters. But, how is that of any help to getting to know the actual person?!

I find it incredible that we put more and more hurdles at the start of the recruitment process.  Including asking long answer questions which results in gamification (white lies anyone??) and even worse yet, more applicants are going for jobs that they are clearly not qualified for. The result? Talent Acquisition being overwhelmed and resorting to a magic equation to shortlist candidates for Hiring Managers. 

Have we considered that the status quo is outdated? We’re going all high tech, de-personalised, for something that is ALL about the person. Shall we instead get back to the individual and their unique merits?

Let’s keep it simple. I call for more forthrightness on both sides. 

Companies being more forthright providing both salary range and ‘must-have’ requirements up front which will naturally quickly thin out the crowd of applicants. 

Individuals being more forthright with what they have – evidenced, and what they are really looking for will create a better targeted approach to job matching. 

The outcome?

Better qualified candidates applying for jobs that are within their reach (no more scatter gun approach) and less harassed internal recruiters who can take the time to respond instead of having a disclaimer; “If you haven’t heard back from us in 28 days, consider it a no”. 

Let’s get back to putting Talent at the heart of it.

(And yes, for fun, this post was put through AI and I rejected its version).


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